Do You Care About America's Ongoing Economic & Education Issues?
Thinking Neither Side Has A Plan To Help All AMericans Win?
Do You Have Something TO Say, and wish to be heard?
Thinking Neither Side Has A Plan To Help All AMericans Win?
Do You Have Something TO Say, and wish to be heard?
BE Part OF our docuSeries, Saturday October 12th
Join Us For A Special Production with others Who Care!
Join Us For A Special Production with others Who Care!
Our New Take On An Old Tale tHERE is an old tale oUT oF iNDIA about a group of blind scholars who cOME aCROSS a large oBSTACLE during one of their journeys. One grabs the tusk and demands it is a spear, another insists the tail is snake, a third holds the ear and deviantly says it is a fan. They argue for hours and never "see" the elephant in theIR wAY.
The story reminds one of today's politicians, professors and pundits. Our leaders prefer to argue than solve problems. Like the blind scholars, Today's Politicos misidentify the obvious before them, arrogantly offer dumb answers and never advance down the right path. THe cartoon Is Meant To remind us OF THis Timeless lESSON.
What Is This About?
We are hosting An Online event
SatURDAY, October 12th We Are taking Concerned Citizens Thru a deep dive into america's ongoing economic and education issues. We are looking for People who want to Be Part Of an Interesting, interactive experiENCE. There will be significANT q&A and opportunity to express your thoughts, ideas and feelings. Previous Participants found Our Deep Dive extremely eye opening, upending, and refreshing. All were glad to be part of a civil convERSATION with people they agreed and disagreed with...they Learned From other perspectives and While feeling heard. If you are inTERESTED in Participating, read on, and apply below. Note: The Oct. 12th event will be filmed as part of a docuSeries For General Distribution. We Will HosT Future Events and Make The Program Available For Those Who Do NOT Want To Be FilmeD. |
About UsLike Most People, We care deeply about America and our people. We are disheartened by the current political divide and are Out to impact our ongoing economic and education issues.
We believe the bulk of our frustRATIONs result from a misdiagNOSIS of the real root causes to our biggest proBLEMS, and our leaders inability to bring people together and find solutions that work for everybody. We hope to change this. We have studied the issues For Years. we have much to offer, but we do not have all the answers. We belIEVE it is possible for people With Different Perspectives to come together, talk through the issues, and find better ways to brighter days. |
The DetailsRemote Zoom Meet
Saturday oCTOBER 12th, 9 am to 4:00 pm PST The rOOM will oPEN aT 8:45 aM pst. There Will Be Breaks. This is a Voluntary (Unpaid) EVENT, as we want unsolicited answers. you will be required to sign a media release FORM because The event will be filmed, edited and distrIBUTED. You will be credited at the end of the production and online. Participants will be asked to take a 30-minute online pre-event interview on the issues, and a 10-minute post-event wrapup. you can do this Where You Like (home), at your convenience. If you care about these issues, we believe this will be an extremely inteRESTING and rewarding exPERIENCE! We hope you join us! |
Note: We ARE INTERESTED In unsoliciated, independent opinion. As such, this is not a paid position, simply a chance to be heard and to be part of a bigger conversation. Everyone included will be credited at the end of the production. If this program becomes a financial success, we plan to make a contribuTION on your behalf to the charity you name in the media release form.
Note: We ARE INTERESTED In unsoliciated, independent opinion. As such, this is not a paid position, simply a chance to be heard and to be part of a bigger conversation. Everyone included will be credited at the end of the production. If this program becomes a financial success, we plan to make a contribuTION on your behalf to the charity you name in the media release form.
Thank you for Your InTEREST and your concern For Your Country and our people.
We will get back to you shortly with more details and the next step.